10:32:00 PM
I don't think anyone probably noticed my abscence, BUT in case you have - I apologize I've been away. I was piggy backing off of a neighbors internet connection and it was so slow that i couldn't actually even DL any pictures i was taking from sl. It was super frustrating and just a lovely little add-on to an already complicated RL situation, but i am finally back in businessss.
- Hair / doux / Jennie @mainstore
- skin / insol / megan @mainstore
- lippie / suicidal unborn / poe lipstick / VIP GG @mainstore
- freckles / pout! / kawaii freckles @mainstore
- Necklace / kibitz / becca @mainstore
- top + panties / Pseudo / NJ silk set @collabor88
- stockings / miwas / high waisted fishnets @mainstore